
MAG 1250 60 CPR NET

Original price was: €16.00.Current price is: €12.00.

✓ 5 sources of magnesium for greater bioavailability
✓ Essential for energy production
✓ Strengthens the immune system
✓ Contrasts muscle tension migraines

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The perfect energy balance

By participating in more than 300 biochemical reactions, Magnesium is an essential mineral for growth, for the immune system, for energy production, for nervous, brain and muscle activity, especially that relating to the heart muscle. Magnesium deficiencies cause fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, reduced resistance to fatigue and insomnia. Magnesium is one of the minerals that is easily eliminated during sports training and intense physical efforts. In this regard, its integration can be useful in case of cramps, muscle tremors, allowing to maintain a correct energy balance.

5 sources of Magnesium for training and against stress

MAG 450is a supplement of magnesium, an essential mineral for:

  • Energy production
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Fighting Stress
  • Counteracting muscle tension migraines
About 60% of the magnesium present in the body is present in the muscles, 26% in the muscles and the remainder in the soft tissues, mainly in the intracellular fluids.
This mineral is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, phosphocreatine formation, nucleic acid synthesis, amino acid activation, smooth and heart muscle contractility, cyclic amp formation, and most importantly for strength athletes, protein synthesis.
Magnesium also fights allergies, inflammation, is an excellent cardioprotector (with potassium it also regulates the heartbeat) and stimulates the formation of antibodies.
> 5 sources of Magnesium for greater bioavailability

MAG 450 has instead tried to optimize and bring together all the potential of this molecule by looking for a series of precious bonds that can be useful in the world of sport and performance.
The formulation contains 5 different sources of magnesium:

  • Carbonate
  • Oxide
  • Citrate
  • Gluconate
  • Pidolate

> Carbonate
While intervening in all the functions of the mg it is basically an alkalizing agent, therefore extremely useful for stabilizing the pH and therefore in the world of sport.

> Magnesium Oxide
Makes other forms well digestible and stabilizes the acidity of the stomach.

A large contribution to this strong synergistic action is given by citrate and orotate (combined with citric acid and orotic acid); forms that allow a high transport within the cell, this also “skipping” the metabolic steps that are normally used to assimilate inorganic minerals.
This formulation therefore allows the mineral to be almost “guided” towards the cells that most require its intervention.
In addition to ease of assimilation, citrate has also been shown to be active in countering the onset of some kidney stones.
Magnesium pidolate is bound to pidolic acid which guarantees its absorption that is not only fast but also stable over time; all this without incurring gastric problems (a situation further avoided by the introduction of the complex of forms present in the formulation).

>Stearate and Gluconate
There are 2 forms of magnesium (linked to stearic acid or gluconic acid) which further contribute to having a time-realase preparation and which positively affect the action of restoring the levels of magnesium in every organ of the body.

Net Integratori’s effort was to offer this mineral (to be rediscovered in the important entirety of its functions) in a formulation that acts on multiple assimilative levels, and is perfectly bioavailable. Such an eclectic supplement that transversally unites all categories of potential users must necessarily have the characteristics of being suitable for all types of users. Logically, Net Integratori, however, wanted to respect the profile of its typical user, identifying those who subject their body to intense and constant training, the ideal user of the MAG 450.
After all, the type of approach used by Net Integratori starts from the assumption that the problems suitable for maximum performance are extremely suitable to face even the daily needs.

> Function of Magnesium

Unfortunately, the frenetic pace and the typical stress of our society; they lower their magnesium levels more and more.
Typical symptoms from magnesium deficiencies are: crampi, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, depressive states, constipation, pre-menstrual syndrome, nervous tics, unexplained fatigue, irregular heartbeats, headaches, mood swings and irritability, gastritis, spinal pain, bone fragility, stiffness and muscle pain , kidney stones, difficulty falling asleep (How about? don’t many of these symptoms seem typical of when you start being overtrained?).
So in addition to contributing to the reduction and treatment of the aforementioned symptoms, magnesium has also proved important for arteriosclerosis, psoriasis, nephritis, hypertension, high cholesterol, rickets, ischemic heart disease, alcoholism, pre menstrual syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome and has a preventive function against a prostate adenoma.

Research has confirmed the participation of magnesium in the acid-base balance, in the redox phenomena within the cell, and hence its important role in cellular respiration, moreover it also participates in cellular exchanges and metabolism of assimilation and disposal. proteins, carbohydrates, lipids.

Magnesium is in fact present in bone tissue, exerts an activity similar to vitamin D and therefore participates in the regulatory action of ossification and the phosphorus-calcium balance.
It also has an anti-inflammatory and radio-protective action against radiation, so it is extremely important for people who either for work or for treatment undergo radiation.
The use of magnesium is so varied and important that it can also play an important role in anaphylaxis and in fighting and preventing allergy by raising the immune response, it is essential against microbes and viruses; it also has a preventive role against prostate adenoma.
Magnesium participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, as mentioned before, it raises the immune defenses and protects against infectious states. It is very important in psycho-physical fatigue and in post-operative hospitalizations.


> The importance of Magnesium in sport

by dr. Marco Neri

Magnesium is certainly the most important mineral, as it activates about 320 different basic biochemical reactions, necessary for an organism to function at the highest levels. these include:

  • The cyclic formation of ATP
  • Glycolysis
  • The Krebs cycle
  • The formation of creatine phosphate
  • The synthesis of nucleic acid
  • Activation of amino acids
  • The contraction of the heart muscle and smooth muscles

Magnesium also binds to phosphate groups present in ATP, thus forming a complex that helps the transfer of ATP phosphates, but it does not end there; magnesium is also a cofactor for the CK (creatine kinase) enzyme which converts creatine into CP or creatine phosphate.
If we think about how much sportspeople use creatine monohydrate supplements, it goes without saying that magnesium can prove to be a key mineral in facilitating the optimization of creatine function.

Some functions of this macromineral are therefore of the utmost importance for athletes in terms of both strength and duration or for training in hypertrophy

Magnesium is in fact necessary for the activation of amino acids and for the attachment of mrna to the ribosome. This process facilitates protein synthesis which therefore depends on the optimal concentrations of this mineral.
Low levels of magnesium negatively affect protein metabolism It is important to say how protein intake can increase magnesium requirements because protein intake reduces magnesium retention.
Magnesium affects cellular permeability and respiration, through this process the cell gets what it needs and gets rid of waste, if this process does not happen, the whole organism is affected.
Some interesting studies such as the one published in the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition” entitled “Effect in humans of magnesium supplementation on strength training” highlighted how in a cycle of maximal strength lasting 7 weeks with 26 subjects divided between study group and control group (placebo). At the end of the study the study group achieved statistically significant strength gains compared to the control group.
It has also been noted that magnesium levels can significantly decrease in response to strength training or hypertrophy; this with a decline or stagnation of performance; a significant improvement is therefore conceivable with the introduction of a magnesium supplement.

However, magnesium is also an important mineral for endurance athletes, especially because of the greater losses of this mineral through sweat.
Furthermore, the increased energy expenditure can also cause an increase in the need for this mineral. A study examined the effects of magnesium supplementation for 4 weeks in agonist male rowers, showing a decrease in blood lactate concentration.
It should be noted that a diet too rich in starch can be deficient in magnesium; and in any case, beyond the food content, it is always very important to make sure that the ingested magnesium has really been assimilated.
Coffee also partially hinders the assimilation of magnesium as do diets too rich in calcium (I would like to emphasize too much to avoid thinking that the intake of this food is wrong).
Magnesium is widely found in foods, in particular in vegetables (green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, soya, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach), in oats, in dried fruit (almonds, walnuts), in sea fish. and freshwater.
When ingested, the absorption of magnesium is mediated and influenced by the time spent in the stomach, the amount taken and the amount of phosphorus and calcium present in the diet. It should be noted that dietary fibers can hinder the absorption of magnesium, so magnesium should not be taken at the same time as fiber.
In short, a real panacea, but are there any contraindications? toxicological research confirms that magnesium does not present a particular toxicity and has a considerable safety of use.
Usually excess magnesium not deposited in the bones or retained in the tissues is excreted in the urine.

Energy value 100 g* dose* VNR**
* refer to the product
** 2 tablets of 1 g / each
*** Nutritional Reference Values
0 kcal
0 kj
0 kcal
0 kcal
Protein 0 g 0 g
Carbohydrates 0 g 0 g
Fat 0 g 0 g
Magnesium 22,5 g 450 mg 120%

Magnesium carbonate; magnesium oxide; stabilizers: microcrystalline cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone; magnesium citrate; magnesium gluconate; magnesium pidolate; anti-caking agent: vegetable magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.

How to use:
Take 2 tablets a day, with water or other liquid of your choice away from the main psst

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 11 × 12 × 11 cm