This succulent plant manages to survive the freezing climate of Siberia. Thanks to its secondary metabolites that allow it to adapt to a decidedly hostile environment. Think of the tremendous support it can exert on your ability to cope better with daily chores.
What’s this
.It is a supplement based on Rodiola Rosea originally from Siberia The extract from the roots stands out for the quantity of plant ingredients contained and for the high production quality. It contains no excipients, gluten or allergens and has not undergone any genetic modification.
What it is useful for and how it works
Popular tradition attributes many properties to Rhodiola Rosea, including increasing physical endurance and intellectual performance, stimulating the immune system, the ability to relieve mood and anxiety disorders. In fact, Rhodiola Rosea has a high tonic-adaptogenic power, useful for stimulating our ability to adapt and to increase the body’s resistance to those stresses of various kinds, internal and external, which often make us feel overwhelmed by commitments or physically weakened. Its gradual and physiological action therefore helps to reduce the impact of stressful factors on the nervous system, proving to be an important adjunct in cases of mood alteration or sleep disorders. Rhodiola Rosea stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone that contributes to the control of appetite, sleep, mood and cardiovascular functions, as well as to the enhancement of memory, concentration and learning. This is why this remedy can be a valuable support in diets aimed at weight control and an effective support for reducing recovery times following particularly intense physical activity. Those who want to give an extra gear to study or work, by improving the level of attention and learning skills, can greatly benefit from using this natural supplement.
Our advice for use: Our advice for use: take 2 to 3 capsules a day, accompanied by a generous sip of water or a warm herbal tea, preferably during the first hours of the day.